Proof is in the numbers, but also in the rave reviews.
“Brilliant”, “life-changing” , “a must-watch” and “a major contribution to the world”
GTG designed and produced this successful campaign for Sensitive-The Untold Story for the Foundation for the Study of Highly Sensitive Persons to educate the global audience about scientific research relevant to over 1 billion people. During its initial social media campaign Alanis Morissette contacted GTG unsolicited to participate in bringing this important topic to public consciousness. She was featured in the film. Sensitive-The Untold Story was first released at a sold out premiere that livestreamed in 64 countries and is now available worldwide from broadcast networks to 4000 universities and public libraries. As a result of the documentary release Dr. Elaine Aron’s 1996 bestseller The Highly Sensitive Person once again hit the bestseller list.